✨ I love a fresh start!
So here's to the 'new'ness, opportunity and many 'fresh ways of seeing' Mondays bring! Today me and myself from the past, would together like to greet and wish you all a beautiful week 🙂
💫 This photo of me was taken in August 2000, a few months before I made a fresh start and moved to London from Istanbul.
I don't know what you can see, but I clearly see the joy, the curiosity and the contentment I had then.
My 'light is on' ✨
I am alive ✨
💫 Looking back on it, in my early 20s, I followed my heart a lot more. I had faith and I 'trusted'...
I also took a lot of naive actions. This of course came with lessons to learn. But it also presented many amazing opportunities that I could not have foreseen, with my cognitive mind only.
🌞 "Action With Naïveté" might not always be 'Smart', but it is 'Living’.
It’s feeling alive, being in the moment.
And many times taking the adventure of the heart and the soul.
💫 Experience will come and change things eventually of course. Growing up will happen no matter what age. At times it will hit hard. And with more experience we will hopefully shift from naive to 'wise'.
But while it lasts, being in that space of aliveness and experiencing what it can unlock in our lives, is priceless.
💫 So whether it is business strategy, leadership or personal life, I believe we have a lot more 'magic' and opportunity when experience, strategy and planning are mixed with curiosity, openness and adventure.
What do you think?
Much love ✨
