🍂 It is early October 2017, in New York City, where I am visiting for a couple of days. I unexpectedly lost my father just a few weeks before and am going through grief. A lot is going on in my mind and in my heart.
🍂 Early one morning, I am walking down 5th Avenue. It is a sunny and beautiful Autumn morning. I love New York City- my favourite after London. So I am elevated at this moment. In awe.
On the one hand, I am going through some great memories with my father. Our final, few chats. I miss him…
On the other, I have all these ideas in my head about “Purpose and intention in everything we do"…
Bringing our hearts, minds and intuition together in life, in communication, in leadership and in business…
The word “conscious” has been in my realm for a while at this point but I don’t necessarily use it.
🍂 Suddenly, I come across a nice bookshop and go in. As I enter, I spot a magazine called Conscious Company- 2017 Industry Guide.
‘Conscious Company!’ I repeat. My heart lights up as if discovering a treasure. “Amazing! That is it. This summarises it all.”
If humans can be conscious, why can’t companies be so?
🍂 I buy the guide and read it from cover to cover. It is fascinating. It is definitely the voice of all who yearn to see and create a compassionate attitude in ALL of LIFE.
It talks about authentic leadership, belonging, community, collective impact, diversity, sustainability, purpose, conscious leadership, conscious business and more…
🍂 6.5 years on I still have the paper copy of this guide. It is special to me and represents many things, as well as a time in my life of loss and regeneration.
🍂 And today… My business itself is called Conscious Life Design.
The word “conscious” is now used far more frequently. We have made progress in diversity, sustainability, creating positive company cultures and business communities.
There of course is still a long way to go. We are nowhere near where we should be, but we are on the way.
✨ So, what does "Conscious" mean to you?
Which companies do you consider to be the best examples of "Conscious Companies"? And how do they serve the purpose of "doing good in the world and for the world", alongside being profitable?
