It is October. We are now well into the Autumn, the season of "letting go" 🍂
And it is beautiful.
💞 🌿 This is also a season when coach and therapist inquiries skyrocket. Many people felt refreshed after the summer holidays. Even the 'September gateways' are now over, and people are ready to rebuild, re-strategize and restart.
I love my job and after doing it for more than a decade, I can tell you that during a time of transformation, there are a number of core things we all want.
🍎 We want clarity
🍏 We want focus
🍎 We want productivity
🍏 We want abundance
🍎 We want rewarding careers
🍏 We want healthy, supportive, joyful relationships
🍎 We want health and vitality
🍏 We want fulfilment
🍎 We want success
🍏 We want freedom
🍎 We want peace
🍏 We want joy
💫 All are understandable. All are beautiful. We all deserve these things.
But... While in the process of working on goals, mindsets, heart-sets, gut-sets, many people realise (even if they aren't able to articulate it yet ) that the only way of achieving clarity, focus, productivity, health, freedom etc is 'becoming' those things in the process.
💫 The key ingredient of successful and sustainable transformation is the SWITCH from 'Wanting' to 'Being', 'Desiring' to 'Becoming', 'Victim Within' to 'Hero Within'.
💫 And please do not fall for the idea that such shifts will happen overnight, similar to the idea of an 'overnight success'.
Neither exists.
Nothing that is here to stay long-term and is worth people's valuable time and energy is built without desire, patience, effort and work.
💫 If you are ready for transformation this season, I am here for you.
While working with me, you will have me by your side every step of the way, championing, challenging and supporting you towards the new, transformed and most fulfilled version of you. You will also learn and practise how to be the Best Coach for yourself 🙂
💫Click on the link below to learn about the ways you can work with me, in-person in Canary Wharf, or online.
Hope to speak soon!